Two days ago I announced that I'll be participating in the "Giveaway day" that organizes Sew mama sew, and the big day is here! Apart from my draw, you can participate at other blogs ones; you can find the list in Sew mama sew on the 23rd of may.
Bona sort a tothom!
Good luck everybody!
Aquests són els regals (fets per mi):
Felt flower brooch
Què heu de fer per participar
How to participate
1. Deixeu un comentari en aquest post amb el vostre correu electrònic dient què és el que més us interessa d'un blog (projectes, tutorials, experiències del blogger, botigues, links...).
2. Podeu tenir una segona participació fent-vos seguidors del meu blog i deixant un comentari dient que ho heu fet. Si ja sou seguidors, escriviu un segon comentari dient que ja en sou.
1. Leave a comment at this post with your e-mail adress telling what are you interested the most in a blog (projects, tutorials, blogger experiences, shops, links,...)
2. You can have an extra chance being a follower of my blog and leaving a comment telling that you did so. If you're already a follower write a second comment telling me so.
Informació addicional
Additional information
1. Podeu participar des del moment de la publicació del post fins el dia 25 de maig a les 24:00h, hora espanyola.
2. Hi haurà dos guanyadors, un per cada regal. El primer guanyador s'endurà la bossa i el segon el fermall.
3. El sorteig es farà via i l'endemà publicaré els guanyadors.
4. El dia 30 de maig enviaré els premis internacionalment
1. You can participate from the moment you find this post to the 25th of may at 12 pm spanish time.
2. There'll be two winners, one for each giveaway. The first winner will win the bag and the second the brooch.
3. The draw will be via "" and the following day I'll publish the winners.
4. The giveaways will be posted internationally the 30th of may
82 comentarios:
Hola!!! jo vull que em toqui!el que busco en un blog son idees maques per inspirar-me,m'agraden els que tenen tutorials facils amb moltes fotos ben fetes.
soc fan de les teves bosses, vull dir el teu blog...;-P
A mi m'agrada molt quan poses enllaços de tutorials facilets de fer !!!
I jo també soc fan-seguidora teva !!!!
What a beautiful bag! I love seeing tutorials, as they provide such inspiration.
A mi m'interessen les tutorials. Ja fa dies que em vaig fer seguidora del teu blog. El meu correu és
i love seeing new ideas and tutorials
i was thinking that your handbag looks so sweet and then i saw its name--sweetbag! yes.
i love reading blogs, and i especially like tutorials and projects.
The bag is so cute!! I love reading blogs I come across and I always check out their tutorials!
rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com :)
G'Day! I'm here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
this is a very pretty bag. I I need lots of bags. I love tutorials. I have used so many different things. I am not sure I have a favorite.
Hi! Your bag is gorgeous, thank you for giving us a chance to win :)
What I most like to see in a blog is things people have made, not necessarily tutorials, but the inspiring things themselves.
I love finding tutorials for projects in blogs. That is probably the #1 thing I have found. Usually when I am interested in a project I will do a google search and find the best things on blogs.
Your bag is cute by the way.
I look forward to reading more of your blog so I am following through Google.
I look forward to reading tutorials!
I like the blogs for their tutorials and the endless source of inspiration. another nice thing is to meet crafters from all ob´ver the world. Nice, isn't it?
Thank you for the chance to win!
dreschermail at
Thank you for the chance to win!
dreschermail at
I like tutorials. So much fun learning how to make new things.
Lovely giveaway!
ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com
Ei, m'encanten les bosses i els tutorials, així que ànims i segueix així
a més sóc seguidora, una altra oprotunitat!!!
Love the bag!! Tutorials are what keep me coming back to a blog!
Lovely! Thanks for the chance.
I like tutorials.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm not interested in shops but I do like tutorials, projects and everyday life.
What a great giveaway! I love the bag :D
lovely purse. Thanks for the chance. I love to see what people are doing in their blogs for the family, cooking, vacation. I love to see a little window into their lives!
I love the blog because of your creativity!
I like tutorials and recipes on blogs. I also like to hear about the blogger's experiences. Thanks for the chance to win!
ravensrascals at gmail dot com
My favorite is tutorials. I love learning new things. Thanks for the chance to win!
mrsmchappell at gmail dot com
Thank you so much for the opportunity to win
i love tutorials
Great work on the bag -- it is gorgeous! I love to blog hop and look for great tutorials. They keep me inspired to create! :o)
The bag is just lovely. I enjoy tutorials on a blog. Thanks for the chance.
I love tutorials!
Both giveaways are wonderful, but I'm really loving the bag. I'm totally into bags!!!
I love tutorials, I love learning new things.
Fun giveaway! I love blogs with tutorials. :) Thanks for the chance to win!
okiedokiemama at yahoo dot com
Tutorials and lots of wonderful pictures! :)
Love the bag! I like tutorials on blogs.
My favorite things about blogs in the tutorials. I try to do a few on my blog, once and again. :)
Hola! My Spanish isn't very good, but I thought I'd try to leave my comment in Spanish, since you're so kind to do your blog post bilingually:
Me gusta leyer blogs que dice de projectos. Si me gustari'a mucho el projecto, que me gustara leyer como el projecto hace. (Tutorial)
Whew! That was tricky!
I'm adding your blog to my reader right after I post this comment!
love the bag!! tutorials are awesome
thanks for the sweet give-away!
email in profile or
nicmowat (AT) gmail (dot) com
Lovely prize!
Lovely bag! Would be happy to win! I love tutorials and to see what others make!Thanks so much
I'd love to see more project tutorial I think! Thank you!
also following your blog!!
I like to read tutorials and about works in progress.
Thanks for the chance!
debyeo at hotmail dot com
I love reading about other people's projects, but I also like to know how/why they decide what to make, and where they find their materials. I especially like reading about vintage finds or upcycling :)
kate1485 at
I like to see projects and tutorials. Thanks for the great giveaway! If by chance I win, I'd really love the flower brooch :)
I am a fan of crafty tip sand tutorials. I wish I knew more Spanish... My husband is from Ecuador...
xo Steph
I am following too!!
xo Steph
I like to see projects and tutorials. Your bag is lovely! If I happen to be the lucky winner you can contact me through my blog
i like the tutorials and projects. and great pictures. to get inspiration.
or my blog with giveaway
I am interested in fun projects and in getting to know the blogger! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Beautiful bag!
I like tutorials. :)
Gorgeous bag!
I love tutorials!
I plan to make some new pretty bags. Lately I've been making tote bags for shopping.
great bag, thanks for a chance to win it
Personally I love tutorial, they're always so much fun for me to do. The bag is fantastic!
Beautiful work! I love reading or looking at tutorials on blogs. I find these very helpful and inspiring. I am now a follower.
I like to read about projects and tutorials.
I personally love tutorial and idea posts the most!
jo.tee35 AT gmail DOT com
tutorials and inspiration
What a cute blog! I like tutorials. :)
fa11enan9e1 at yahoo dot com
I really love the bag! Also, I'm a big fan of tutorials!
I love seeing the different projects people make
Atoxim at gmail dot com
Ohhh! The Sweet Bag is truly sweet! I love it! Thank you for the chance! I love tutorials and seeing the process of making a project. But, I also love seeing things that inspire the blogger, even if it's not crafty, or what they love in other crafters! :)
i woudl love tutorials
thanks for the giveaway
i love tutorials with awesome pictures!
I love tutorials. I collect them and use them for inspiration and information all the time.
Thank you for this giveaway - your work is beautiful!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Reasons I like to read blogs - good picture, nice tutorial, interesting contents, i loves
sewing blogs :)
I love the bag,perfect for spring.
I love reading all sorts of blog,mainly for patterns and tutorials,inspirations,ideas,experiences and places I would never see.
Lovely Bag - Thanks for the chance :D
I love to see tutorials with step by step photos!
Thanks for the chance to win the bag. I look to blogs for tutorials and inspiration!
Thank you for the great giveaway. It's lovely.
atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
I love the bag and the brooch
Thanks for the giveaway. I enjoy tutorials on blogs.
rascarborough (at) gmail (dot) com
I love finding blogs with lots of tutorials and lots of photos! Thank you for a lovely giveaway - the bag and brooch are sweet!
What I like in blogging is to find different styles, different sources of inspiration, and some tutorials are really useful to me !
and I'm now a follower, the bag is really great !
This is a great giveaway! I love tutorials on blogs :)
I would love to enter. I like the sweet bag hand bag
Sk8ter.emily (at) gmail (dot) com
I love all the inspiration as well as the tutorials on new skills. Thanks for the chance to win that cute bag.
Lovely bag. I like to see what everyone is making, and tutorials are a nice way to share ideas. Thanks for participating in SMS Giveaway day!
Pretty bag. I like to get inspiration from blogs either with tutorials or patterns or pictures
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